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Dart getting 'dynamic' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Iterable<dynamic>' analysis error

this below json code is our server response which i parse that with this code:

abstract class UserModel with _$UserModel {
  const factory UserModel({
    required int id,
    @JsonKey(name: 'name_family') required String nameFamily,
    @JsonKey(name: 'mobile_number') required String mobileNumber,
    @JsonKey(name: 'baker_profile') required BakerProfileModel bakerProfile,
  }) = _UserModel;

  factory UserModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UserModelFromJson(json);

final onlineBakers = List<UserModel>.from(
    (data) => UserModel.fromJson(data as Map<String, dynamic>),

here i don't have any problem and i can get all of values with onlineBakers variable, but i can't resolve analysis error in AndroidStudio as this error for this part of code:

The argument type 'dynamic' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Iterable<dynamic>'
  (data) => UserModel.fromJson(data as Map<String, dynamic>),

when i try to use as List<UserModel> i get another error, for example:

  (data) => UserModel.fromJson(data as Map<String, dynamic>),
) as List<UserModel>,


type 'MappedListIterable<dynamic, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<UserModel>' in type cast

response json:

    "id": 6,
    "user_type": "baker",
    "name_family": "test",
    "mobile_number": "09087549785",
    "active": 1,
    "baker_profile": {
      "id": 9,
      "user_id": 6,
      "province_id": 19,
      "city_id": 729,
      "neighbourhood_id": 2,
      "profile_image": "baker_profiles_images/pUZtdPNCKoQnXbKWBwUnciK7Yo01fG1IMUggzgVK.png",
      "store_image": "baker_stores_images/pUZtdPNCKoQnXbKWBwUnciK7Yo01fG1IMUggzgVK.png",
      "store_name": "test",
      "status": 1,
      "peyk_price": 0,
      "minimum_order": 1,
      "maximum_order": 1,
      "maximum_queue_count": 1,
      "morning_start_time": 1,
      "morning_end_time": 1,
      "afternoon_start_time": 1,
      "afternoon_end_time": 1,
      "active": 1,
      "bread": [
          "id": 1,
          "image": "breads/AJq3PHo6Ja4AkcuSsJgyvUoUi4XGOTsmplgqhgEp.png",
          "price": 10000,
          "gram": "250",
          "bread_type": "test"
          "id": 2,
          "bread_name": "test",
          "image": "breads/AJq3PHo6Ja4AkcuSsJgyvUoUi4XGOTsmplgqhgEp.png",
          "price": 10000,
          "gram": "200",
          "bread_type": "test"
      "province": {
        "id": 19,
        "name": "test"
      "city": {
        "id": 729,
        "province_id": 19,
        "name": "test"
      "neighbourhood": {
        "id": 2,
        "city_id": 729,
        "name": "test"


my repository to get data from server:

Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getResponse(
    HTTP method, String endPoint, Map<String, dynamic>? parameters) async {
  try {
    const r = RetryOptions(maxAttempts: 3);
    final response = await r.retry(
      () => _submit(method, endPoint, parameters),
      retryIf: (e) => e is SocketException || e is TimeoutException,
    return {'statusCode': response.statusCode, 'data':};
  } on DioError catch (e) {
    throw (e.response != null
        ? e.response!.statusCode
        : e.error.osError.errorCode) as Object;


  • The result of success['data'].map is not list, try this:

    final onlineBakers = success['data'].map((data) =>
    UserModel.fromJson(data as Map<String, dynamic>),).toList();