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Knex not picking up ENV variables

I'm trying to configure Knex to use environmental variables to choose the database to use. For whatever reason, it seems very finicky and quick to forget the setting. The first invocation works, and the second does not:

% NODE_ENV=test npm run knex:migrate # No semicolon

> [email protected] knex:migrate
> npm run knex migrate:latest

> [email protected] knex
> ./node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js "migrate:latest"

Using environment: test # Uses the test environment
Already up to date

Add a semicolon between commands and it doesn't work:

% NODE_ENV=test; npm run knex:migrate # Semicolon

> [email protected] knex:migrate
> npm run knex migrate:latest

> [email protected] knex
> ./node_modules/knex/bin/cli.js "migrate:latest"

Using environment: development # Uses the (default) dev environment
Already up to date

And yet...

% echo $NODE_ENV

The variable is still set, but Knex is ignoring it. However, if I set NODE_ENV=test in my .env file, it sticks. If I try to pass --env test to the CLI, it never works. Does anyone have insight?

Edit: If I call npx knex migrate:latest --env test it gets picked up, but it still doesn't pick up the NODE_ENV values:

% npx knex migrate:latest --env test # This works
Using environment: test
Already up to date

% echo $NODE_ENV

% npx knex migrate:latest # This doesn't                            
Using environment: development
Already up to date


  • This is not an issue with knex but the way the shell you are using works.

    NODE_ENV=test is only defining a 'local' variable that by default is not forwarded to sub processes.

    export NODE_ENV=test would make it available to all sub-processes

    NODE_ENV=test npm run knex:migrate would run npm run knex:migrate with NODE_ENV=test