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Unable to resolve service "memcache" to a factory; are you certain you provided it during configuration?

I am working on upgrading PHP 7.4 to 8.1 on my Laminas project.

In config/autoload/global.php I have-

'caches' => require DIR . '/caches.php',

This is caches.php-

    'caches' => array(
        'memcached' => array(
            'adapter' => 'memcache',
            'options' => array(
                'namespace' => 'IDSSO',
                'ttl' => 900, //900 seconds = 15 minutes
            'plugins' => array(
                    'name' => 'exception_handler',
                    'options' => array(
                        'throw_exceptions' => false,

I go to my portal and I'm seeing this error-




Unable to resolve service "memcache" to a factory; are you certain you provided it during configuration?

In my composer.json I added

"laminas/laminas-cache-storage-deprecated-factory" : "^1.0.1",
"laminas/laminas-cache" : "3.4.0"

and module.config.php I added

'service_manager' => array(
        'abstract_factories' => array(

I wasn't able to resolve this with these changes.


  • I was able to resolve this myself.

    1. I added these packages on composer.json-

    "laminas/laminas-cache-storage-deprecated-factory" : "^1.0.1",

    "laminas/laminas-cache-storage-adapter-memcached" : "^2.1.0"

    and then did composer update

    Alternatively, you can also run-

    composer require laminas/laminas-cache-storage-deprecated-factory and

    composer require laminas/laminas-cache-storage-adapter-memcached instead.

    2. Follow the steps from this url-

    - copy libmemcached.dll to c:\Windows
    - copy php-memcached.dll to you PHP/ext directory

    3. On php.ini add this line-


    4. In caches.php file-

    Change 'adapter' => 'memcache', to 'adapter' => 'memcached',

    Once this is done, do a composer install, composer update and restart your local XAMPP.