I am making an API request to the sentry API, like this:
_URL = "https://sentry.io/api/0/projects/aaaa-7y/aaaa/issues/"
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer 11111111111111111111111', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
params = {"statsPeriod":"24h", 'cursor':'100:-1:1'}
r = requests.get(url = _URL, headers = headers, params=params, verify=False)
data = r.json()
and I realized that I am only getting 100 results despite I have more in the endpoint UI. According to the documentation, I should use the pagination: https://docs.sentry.io/api/pagination/ but I am having a really good time trying to understand how to implement it because the response does not provide anything that I can use for pagination. What I am missing in my API request.
See the start of the response. I was expecting to see something like rel="previous"; results="false"; according to the documentation.
[{'id': '',
'shareId': None,
'shortId': 'aaaa-8Y',
'title': '<unknown>',
'culprit': '',
'permalink': 'https://sentry.io/organizations/7777-7y/issues/777777/',
'logger': None,
'level': 'error',
'status': 'unresolved',
'isPublic': False,
'platform': 'javascript',
'project': {'id': '7777',
'name': 'aaaa',
'slug': 'aaaa',
'platform': 'react-native'},
'type': 'error',
'metadata': {'value': 'aaa: Variable "$input" got invalid value { aa: "google-aaaa|aaaaa", uri: "https://storage.googleapis.com/glue-storage-prod/aa/aa-e267-4bfe-90bd-aaa.png", imageWidth: 1169, imageHeight: 253...',
'display_title_with_tree_label': False},
'numComments': 0,
'assignedTo': None,
'isBookmarked': False,
'isSubscribed': False,
'subscriptionDetails': None,
'hasSeen': False,
'issueType': 'error',
'issueCategory': 'error',
'isUnhandled': False,
'count': '2',
'userCount': 0,
'firstSeen': '2022-08-04T11:47:52.295000Z',
'lastSeen': '2022-08-10T07:24:18.899000Z'},
If in first example you switch bash
to http
then you see:
It sends this as HTTP header
, not in response
You need:
link = r.headers['Link'] # it raises error when `Link` doesn't exist
or safer
link = r.headers.get('Link') # it gives `None` when `Link` doesn't exist