I've been using this tutorial to create a game loop.
In the section marked "FPS dependent on Constant Game Speed" there is some example code that includes a Sleep command
I googled the equivalent in java and found it is
but it returns an error in eclipse
Unhandled exception type InterruptedException
What on earth does that mean.
And also I was wondering what the
methods may contain in an opengl-es game (ie: where is the renderer updated and what sort of things go on in display_game();
I am currently using a system that uses the GLSurfaceView and GLSurfaceRenderer features
Here is my adaptation of the code in the tutorial
public Input(Context context){
glSurfaceRenderer = new GLSurfaceRenderer();
checkcollisions = new Collisions();
while (gameisrunning) {
nextGameTick += skipTicks;
sleepTime = nextGameTick - SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
if(sleepTime >= 0) {
//S*** we're behind
This is called in my GLSurfaceView although I'm not sure whether this is the right place to implement this.
Looks like you need to go through a couple of tutorials on Java before trying to tackle android game development. Then read some tutorials on Android development, then some more general game development tutorials. (Programming is a lot of reading.)
Thread is throwing an exception when it gets interrupted. You have to tell Java how to deal with that.
To answer your question directly, though, here's a method that sleeps till a specific time:
private void waitUntil(long time) {
long sleepTime = time - new Date().getTime();
while (sleepTime >= 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Interrupted. sleepTime will be positive, so we'll do it again.
sleepTime = time - new Date().getTime();
You should understand at least this method before continuing on game development.