By default an A-Frame scene shows a "VR" icon to enter immersive VR mode in all cases, even if a headset is not present. Is there a simple way to only show this icon when a user is using a headset with WebXR available?
Yes, there is a built in A-Frame function checkHeadsetConnected()
for this purpose. You can use this in a component attached to the a-scene
entity to disable vr-mode-ui
when a headset is not present. Here is example code for this:
// only show VR button if headset connected
AFRAME.registerComponent('vr-mode-ui-if-headset', {
dependencies: ['vr-mode-ui'],
init: function () {
if (!AFRAME.utils.device.checkHeadsetConnected()) {
this.el.setAttribute('vr-mode-ui', 'enabled', false);
Here is a glitch A-Frame scene showing this component in use:
Live project: