I'm scraping data from Google using Puppeteer. But before Puppeteer gets to the google page, an annoying popup appears (screenshot).
I want to prevent this from happening so that I don't have to click the "reject" / "allow" button in Puppeteer every time. What are the necessary cookies to achieve it?
const browser = await puppeteer.launch()
const page = await browser.newPage()
await page.goto("https://google.com/")
const cookies = [
domain: '.google.com',
expirationDate: 9999999999.298648,
name: 'CONSENT',
await page.setCookie(...cookies)
Instead of trying to hard code the cookies, just save them.
to cookiesFilePath
const cookiesPath = './cookies.json';
const browser = await puppeteer.launch()
const page = await browser.newPage()
if(await fs.existsSync(cookiesPath)){
let cookies = require(cookiesPath)
for(let cookie of cookies){
await page.setCookie(cookie)
await page.goto("https://google.com/")
const hasConsentForm = async ()=>{
// create query that will return consent form
const consentFormQuerySelector=''
// I dont remember if page.$eval querySelector fails
// throws errors or not
return await page.$eval(consentFormQuerySelector,el=>Boolean(el))
return false
const navigateConsentForm = async ()=>{
// add your existing code that navigates the consent form
// ...
// after the consent form is cleared, save cookies
let cookies = await page.cookies()
if(await hasConsentForm()){
await navigateConsentForm()
Assuming that the lack of cookies or the lack of a certain cookie property is the reason that the consent form pops up, this is will make it so that after running once, the form doesnt show again.