In my notebook, I have Data Frames being read in that will have a variable number of columns every time the notebook is ran. How do I dynamically change the data types of only the columns that are Boolean data types to String data type?
This is a problem I faced so I am posting the answer incase this helps someone else.
The name of the data frame is "df".
Here we dynamically convert every column in the incoming dataset that is a Boolean data type to a String data type:
def bool_col_DataTypes(DataFrame):
"""This Function accepts a Spark Data Frame as an argument. It returns a list of all Boolean columns in your dataframe."""
DataFrame = dict(DataFrame.dtypes)
list_of_bool_cols_for_conversion = [x for x, y in DataFrame.items() if y == 'boolean']
return list_of_bool_cols_for_conversion
list_of_bool_columns = bool_col_DataTypes(df)
for i in list_of_bool_columns:
df = df.withColumn(i, F.col(i).cast(StringType()))
new_df = df
data=([(True, 'Lion',1),
(False, 'fridge',2),
( True, 'Bat', 23)])
schema =StructType([StructField('Answer',BooleanType(), True),StructField('Entity',StringType(), True),StructField('ID',IntegerType(), True)])
df=spark.createDataFrame(data, schema)
|-- Answer: boolean (nullable = true)
|-- Entity: string (nullable = true)
|-- ID: integer (nullable = true)
df1 *[col(x).cast('string').alias(x) if y =='boolean' else col(x) for x, y in df.dtypes])
|-- Answer: string (nullable = true)
|-- Entity: string (nullable = true)
|-- ID: integer (nullable = true)