I'm in a Twig template, and I have a "form" variable that represents a Doctrine2 Entity Form.
This Entity has properties that are mapped into the form, but the Entity has also some methods that I would like to access from my Twig template.
I would love to do something like this:
{{ form.myMethod }}
or maybe something like this:
{{ form.getEntity.myMethod }}
but unfortunately it doesn't work.
How could I achieve what I need?
To access your entity from your FormView in a twig template you can use the following code
{{ form.get('value') }}
Where form is your FormView object. This will return your entity and from there you can call any methods on it. If you embed a collection of entities or a single entity in your form you can access it the same way
{{ form.someembedform.get('value') }}
{% for obj in form.mycollection %}
{{ obj.get('value').someMethod }}
{% endif %}