I'm running on the Free Tier AWS EC2 currently (Ubuntu with Wordpress Website on NGINX, MySQL etc). I am expecting very heavy load usage just for a couple of hours for one day in the coming week, and I would like to know if there is a way that I can pay for higher specs instance just for that short period. I think it will be primarily cpu, memory & network intensive with the web server coping with hits on the website when a sale we're conducting opens.
Not sure if that is possible? Would greatly appreciate anyone who can advise me on how to cope with the anticipated heavy traffic to my webserver from a lot of users just for that day. We're willing to pay for it, just don't know how to do it. Thank you in advance!
To be fair, if you're on the free instance, whatever you're running on there I can pretty much guarantee that whatever huge spike in traffic you think you're going to get, you probably won't so you're probably worrying about something that is never going to happen.
But that's how you to it above. See here for the info on the different instances and performance capabilities, https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/