Is there a way to create a custom DispatchQueue quality of service with its own custom "speed"? For example, I want a QoS that's twice as slow as .utility
There is no mechanism in iOS or any other Cocoa platform to control the "speed" (for any meaning of that word) of a work item. The only tool offered us is some control over scheduling. Once your work item is scheduled, it will get 100% (*) of the CPU core until it ends or is preempted. There is no way to be asked to be preempted more often (and it would be expensive to allow that, since context switches are expensive).
The way to manage how much work is done is to directly manage the work, not preemption. The best way is to split up the work into small pieces, and schedule them over time and combine them at the end. If your algorithm doesn't support that kind of input segmentation, then the algorithm's main "loop" needs to limit the number of iterations it performs (or the amount of time it spends iterating), and return at that point to be scheduled later.
If you don't control the algorithm code, and you cannot work with whoever does, and you cannot slice your data into smaller pieces, this may be an unsolvable problem.
(*) With the rise of "performance" cores and other such CPU advances, this isn't completely true, but for this question it's close enough.