I am currently trying to implement a factorial function for a class. My function takes one argument n, and lists the factorials from 0, 1, 2, ... n.
This is what I currently have:
This is the function I will be calling, right now it just returns the factorial of N:
(defun factor3 (N)
(apply #'* (loop :for n :from 1 :below (+ 1 N) :collect n))
This is a helper function that returns a list of integers from 1 until num. Acc, when called initially, takes NIL as an empty list to accumulate the values:
(defun my-seq (num acc)
(if (eq num 0)
(my-seq (- num 1) (cons num acc)))
Each of these functions act as expected individually, now I want to apply the factor3 function to each member of the list that is returned from my-seq, and my professor has hinted at two keywords:
Using apply
Using mapcar
However, when I call
(mapcar 'factor3 '(my-seq 5 NIL))
I get
*** - +: MY-SEQ is not a number
So, I try saving the returned list from my-seq to a variable b, then I call
(mapcar 'factor3 'b)
And I get
*** - MAPCAR: A proper list must not end with B
I have tried many different variable names and I get the same error. How should I implement this code?
It seems all I need to do is pass the return as a parameter, but there are such limited resourced on the internet for the LISP language.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Don't quote expressions and variables that should be evaluated.
(mapcar 'factor3 (my-seq 5 NIL))
(defvar b (my-seq 5 NIL))
(mapcar 'factor3 b)