I've got a union type, say:
type BooleanOperator = "and" | "or";
I want to create another union type that is based on it:
type ConditionMap_Good = { and: string[] } | { or: string[] }
However, I've only been able to do this manually, written as above, which won't be feasible when the original union has many cases.
I know of mapped types, but what they generate doesn't match what I want:
type ConditionMap_Bad = {
[K in BooleanOperator]: string[]
// type ConditionMap_Bad = {
// and: string[];
// or: string[];
// }
Is there a concept or construct in Typescript to help me define what I want?
As the linked answer says, you need to use distributive conditional types to "map" over the union and you will need to use a mapped type to get the string to be key of the object type.
type ConditionMap =
BooleanOperator extends infer U extends string
? U extends U
? { [K in U]: string[] }
: never
: never
Here is also a reusable generic variant.
type ToConditionMap<T extends string> =
T extends T
? { [K in T]: string[] }
: never