The final goal is to append data into an xlsm file which is containing vba script and a activex listbox. Using python/pandas is preferred. For starters i would like to just open the xlsm file, add an empty sheet and close it again without the VBA code giving me errors due to not having a listbox.
The activex listbox gives me troubles, since it is not "transfered" and the VBA script yields an error when trying to use the listbox. The VBA code looks just fine, after running the python script, but it crashes when setting the 'xLstBox' variable.
Possible fix i can see but not able to implement are:
My python code:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
xlsx_path = 'excel_file.xlsm'
wb = load_workbook(filename=xlsx_path, keep_vba=True)
My VBA code in the prefabricated xlsm file:
Public PreviousActiveCell As Range
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xSelLst As Variant, I As Integer
Set xLstBox = ActiveSheet.ListBox1
Static pPrevious As Range
Set PreviousActiveCell = pPrevious
Set pPrevious = ActiveCell
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A999999")) Is Nothing Then
If xLstBox.Visible = False Then
xLstBox.Visible = True
xLstBox.Top = ActiveCell.Row * 15
xLstBox.Left = 0
End If
If xLstBox.Visible = True Then
xLstBox.Visible = False
For I = xLstBox.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If xLstBox.Selected(I) = True Then
xSelLst = xLstBox.List(I) & "," & xSelLst
End If
Next I
If xSelLst <> "" Then
PreviousActiveCell = Mid(xSelLst, 1, Len(xSelLst) - 1)
End If
For I = xLstBox.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
ListBox1.Selected(I) = False
Next I
End If
End If
End Sub
Openpyxl isn't guaranteed to manage vba components so you may have issues with xlsm sheets that contain these objects.
If you are running on Windows (or perhaps Mac) and can use Xlwings this may help. Xlwings needs Excel installed locally.
Your first test for example, adding a sheet should not impact your listbox.
import xlwings as xw
xlsx_path = 'excel_file.xlsm'
with xw.App() as app:
wb = xw.Book(xlsx_path)
wb.sheets.add('sheetname', after='Sheet1')