The basic setting looks as follows:
example_data <- data.frame(num=1:5, let=letters[1:5])
complicated_criterium <- function(data) { c(T, NA, F, T, F)}
example_data[complicated_criterium(example_data), ]
This shows the following:
num let
1 1 a
4 4 d
I would like to only see rows 1 and 4, the rows where my complicated criterium is true. What is a simple way to achieve that?
It is correct that the complicated criterium spits on NA on row 2 so I don't want to change that behavior. I played around with and na.omit but logically combining NA with T or F just gives NA again and omitting the NA changes the length of the vector so I don't get the correct rows anymore.
You can just wrap it in which()
num let
1 1 a
4 4 d