In most of the examples on the Internet, symbol equality is straight-forward:
(eq 'sym 'sym)
In my program, I want to compare symbols in a custom package:
(defpackage #:my-package
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:export #:my-function))
(in-package #:my-package)
(defun my-function (value)
((eq value 'sym)
(format t "SYM: YES~%"))
(format t "SYM: NO~%"))))
(in-package #:common-lisp)
(my-package:my-function 'sym)
But when this code is executed, it displays:
It seems like the 2 symbols are different:
(eq 'sym 'my-package::sym)
The reason seems easy to understand, a symbol interned in a given package is not equal to a symbol with the same name interned in another package. Fair enough! But what is the idiom to compare 2 symbols, regardless the package?
Should we convert it to a string in a first place and compare strings?
(defpackage #:my-package
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:export #:my-function))
(in-package #:my-package)
(defun my-function (value)
((string= (symbol-name value) "SYM")
(format t "SYM: YES~%"))
(format t "SYM: NO~%"))))
(in-package #:common-lisp)
(my-package:my-function 'sym)
The result is better, but there is an obvious issue regarding the character case.
How to check that 2 symbols are the same regardless their package?
The usual idiom is string=
, which compares the names of symbols without regard to identity.
For example:
(eq 'x:a 'y:a) => nil
(string= 'x:a 'y:a) => t