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Angular dark theme and root css variables

On my site, I am adding the possibility to switch between a dark mode and a light mode. And so I have a service that allows me to make this switch without too many problems on the css side. Basically, I declared css variables at the :root level and I redeclared these same variables in :root.dark-theme.

When I click on a button I add or remove the dark-theme class.

if (this.isDark) {
      this.renderer.addClass(this.document.body, 'dark-theme');
    } else {
      this.renderer.removeClass(this.document.body, 'dark-theme');

My problem is that I am trying to retrieve the values ​​of some variables directly in my component.

I tried this piece of code to retrieve the value of a particular variable.


I manage to retrieve the one in :root but when I switch and add dark-theme, it always retrieves the value in :root and not in :root.dark-theme.

How can I manage to retrieve the values in dark-theme as well?


  • change the element parameter of getComputedStyle to document.body
