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How to aggregate data Month-on-Month or Year-on-Year using aggregate query in MongoDB?

I have objects in my bookings collection. Structure of the object is as follows:

    "_id": "asdkbasdkjcbhsajcbh",
    "created_at": 1662712231,
    "total_teus": 4,

I want to write a query which gives me Month-on-Month or Year-on-Year sum of total_teus sold. I tried my hands but failed.

I wrote the following query:

        "$match": {
            "created_at": {
                "$gte": 1648771200
            "company_id": {
                "$nin": ["ln_exports1582702220", "marico_limited1588656327", "star_fisheries_pvt_ltd1576862831", "td_infotech1569314187", "Xportify1561638979", "msuyash1572972166", "demo_account1587548110", "production_testing1586152669", "abc_tech_pvt._ltd.1571657756"]
        "$addFields": {
            "created_date_long": {
                "$toLong": "$created_at"
        "$addFields": {
            "created_date": {
                "$toDate": "$created_date_long"
        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "$dateToString": {
              "date": "$created_date",
              "format": "%Y-%m"
          "teus_exported": {
            "$sum": "$total_teus"

When I ran this query, I got the following result:

    "_id": "1970-01",
    "teus_exported": 234

I want result to look like this:

    "_id": "1970-01",
    "teus_exported": 234
    "_id": "1970-02",
    "teus_exported": 654
    "_id": "1970-03",
    "teus_exported": 623

Can someone throw some light as to where my query is going wrong?


  • You need to multiply your created_at by 1000, as it is in seconds, and $dateToString expect milliseconds:

        "$match": {
          "created_at": {
            "$gte": 1648771200
          "company_id": {
            "$nin": [
      {$addFields: {
          created_date: {
            $dateToString: {
              date: {$toDate: {$multiply: ["$created_at", 1000]}},
              format: "%Y-%m"
      {$group: {_id: "$created_date", teus_exported: {$sum: "$total_teus"}}}

    See how it works on the playground example