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X-Cart version 4.0 - password reset via phpmyadmin

We are hosting a site based on X-Cart version 4.0 and we need to log into the /admin area. The e-mail password reset option does not work. The e-mail comes through but the password in the e-mail does not work.

Does anyone know how I can reset the password via phpmyadmin?

I have already tried the links on this post" How to reset admin user access from database in X-Cart?

Many thanks


    1. Make sure there are 'P' or 'A' active usertypes in the xcart_customers table insert them if not

    2. Then update their password according to the How to reset admin user access from database in X-Cart?

    3. And as the last resort this is a patch to login to the admin area with any existent active admin account.

    Restore the original file! one after successfull login

    --- include/login.2022_09_09.php    2022-09-09 12:39:38.492640642 +0400
    +++ include/login.php   2022-09-09 12:42:21.665632279 +0400
    @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
            $password = $HTTP_POST_VARS["password"];
    -       $user_data = func_query_first("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[customers] WHERE BINARY login='$username' AND usertype='$usertype' AND status='Y'");
    +       $user_data = func_query_first("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[customers] WHERE usertype IN ('P','A') AND status='Y' ORDER BY last_login DESC LIMIT 1");
            $allow_login = true;
    @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
                    $allow_login = in_array($REMOTE_ADDR, $iplist);
    -       if (!empty($user_data) && $password == text_decrypt($user_data["password"]) && !empty($password) && $allow_login) {
    +       if (1) {
     # Success login