I'm making a productivity tool that presents information about a form. One of its components is a TreeView that represents the hierarchy of objects inside the form.
Right now I'm able to change the selected item in the form as I change the selected node in the tree
I'm simply using this code when the tree view selection changes:
procedure SeleccionarComponente(const Nombre: string);
FormEditor: IOTAFormEditor;
Componente: IOTAComponent;
// Seleccionar el componente en el editor de formularios
FormEditor := GetCurrentFormEditor;
Componente := FormEditor.FindComponent(Nombre);
if Componente <> nil then
Is there a way to do it the other way? I want to change the tree view selection whenever a component is clicked on the form.
The solution was quite trivial, in the end.
My form inherits from TDesignWindow
TVentanaVisorComponentes = class(TDesignWindow)
So I can override some methods
procedure ItemDeleted(const ADesigner: IDesigner; AItem: TPersistent); override;
procedure ItemsModified(const ADesigner: IDesigner); override;
procedure ItemInserted(const ADesigner: IDesigner; Item: TPersistent); override;
procedure SelectionChanged(const ADesigner: IDesigner; const ASelection: IDesignerSelections); override;
procedure DesignerClosed(const ADesigner: IDesigner; AGoingDormant: Boolean); override;
The method SelectionChanged did the trick
procedure TVentanaVisorComponentes.SelectionChanged(
const ADesigner: IDesigner; const ASelection: IDesignerSelections);
NuevaSeleccion: TNodoArbolComponentes;
if (ASelection.Count = 1) and (ASelection.Items[0] is TComponent) then
NuevaSeleccion := BuscarNodoPorComponente(ASelection.Items[0] as TComponent);
if NuevaSeleccion <> nil then
TreeView1.Selected := NuevaSeleccion;