I want to find all duplicate nodes per type in a neo4j database
Example : i have node1 with properties : name,adress,phone i wan't to match all nodes that are duplicated without specifying the properties names in the query
You can try this as well:
Match (n1:Person)
Match (n2:Person) Where id(n1) <> id(n2) and properties(n1)=properties(n2)
RETURN n1, n2
To ignore certain properties, try something like this:
WITH ['author', 'location', 'traceId'] AS ignoredProperties
Match (n1:Person)
Match (n2:Person) Where id(n1) <> id(n2) and ALL(x IN keys(properties(n1)) WHERE x IN ignoredProperties OR n1[x] = n2[x])
RETURN n1, n2