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How to merge an array object's fields with aggregate in mongodb

I am trying to aggregate an object with arrays. Would appreciate help.

here is my sample object.

          "tipo": "A",
          "prices": [
                  "min_pax": 1,
                  "max_pax": 3,
                  "type": "One Way",
                  "price": 35
                  "min_pax": 1,
                  "max_pax": 3,
                  "type": "Round Trip",
                  "price": 63
                  "min_pax": 4,
                  "max_pax": 6,
                  "type": "One Way",
                  "price": 40
                  "min_pax": 4,
                  "max_pax": 6,
                  "type": "Round Trip",
                  "price": 65
                  "min_pax": 7,
                  "max_pax": 10,
                  "type": "One Way",
                  "price": 50
                  "min_pax": 7,
                  "max_pax": 10,
                  "type": "Round Trip",
                  "price": 80

I want to merge objects with same number of min & max pax, for example:

Between 1 and 3 passengers for one way trip the cost is 35, for round trip the cost is 63.

I think looks better is I can merge both objects.

I would like something like this:

       "tipo": "A",
       "prices": [
               "min_pax": 1,
               "max_pax": 3,
               "one_way": 35,
               "round_trip": 63
               "min_pax": 4,
               "max_pax": 6,
               "one_way": 40,
               "min_pax": 7,
               "max_pax": 10,
               "one_way": 50,
               "round_trip": 80

I would really appreciate your help


  • One option is to $unwind and $group again according to the pax:

      {$unwind: "$prices"},
      {$group: {
          _id: {max_pax: "$prices.max_pax", min_pax: "$prices.min_pax"},
          tipo: {$first: "$tipo"},
          data: {$push: {k: "$prices.type", v: "$prices.price"}}
      {$project: {
          _id: 0,
          tipo: 1,
          max_pax: "$_id.max_pax",
          min_pax: "$_id.min_pax",
          data: {$arrayToObject: "$data"}
      {$set: {"data.max_pax": "$max_pax", "data.min_pax": "$min_pax"}},
      {$group: {_id: "$tipo", prices: {$push: "$data"}}},
      {$project: {_id: 0, tipo: "$_id", prices: 1}}

    See how it works on the playground example