New install of Visual Studio 2022 - NET 6 project.
In the past, the variables (in the pic below) would have little squiggles underneath them and when I hover the mouse over them a suggestion would pop up stating something similar to (names are not cased or capitalized correctly). It was like the IDE had a code analyzer (maybe an extension/addon) that constantly monitored coding styles.
After installing VS 2022 I cannot figure out how to make these types of suggestions appear. Can anyone help me with this?
Edit - Additional info
I think, maybe it's rule IDE1006
that I am trying to activate in the IDE
Also, in (Tools)(Options) I have these settings. But not a single notification about variable names that violate IDE1006
I can see all of these notifications too (pic below), so, I know with certainty the code is being analyzed (the analysis is just not pointing out (variable name) violations)
There is a setting for enabling and disabling specific style guidance selections.
You will need to navigate to Tools/Options/Text Editor/C#/Code Style/General