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SQL query to get count of likes, comments, reads and score for each post

So I have 4 tables:

  1. post
  4. reads

Each table has the column post_id

I want to create a query, where for each post, i want to know the number of likes, the number of comments, and the number of reads
Finally, i want another column caled score, where i sum up the values in likes, comments and reads

Here is the sql query i have to do that:

SELECT posts.post_id,
       count(likes.like_id) as likes,
       count(comments.comment_id) as comments,
       post_read_count.count as reads,
       (count(likes.like_id) + count(comments.comment_id) + post_read_count.count) as score
FROM community.posts
LEFT JOIN community.likes
    ON posts.post_id = likes.post_id
LEFT JOIN community.comments
    ON posts.post_id = comments.post_id
LEFT JOIN community.post_read_count
    ON posts.post_id = post_read_count.post_id
WHERE posts.is_deleted = false
GROUP BY posts.post_id, post_read_count.count
ORDER BY posts.post_id DESC

but i am unable to get the correct number of comments and the sum of items into score is not working properly

I am on postgres

heres a sample data:

post_id | title
101       some title
102       hello there
103       good day sir
104       good bye         
105       whats up 

like_id | post_id
1         101  
2         101
3         101
4         102
5         102
6         104
7         104
8         105
9         105
10        101

comment_id | post_id
1            103  
2            103
3            103
4            101
5            102
6            104
7            105
8            105
9            105
10           103

post_id | count
101       12
102       54
103       76
104       23         
105       87 

desired output:

post_id | title         | likes | comments | reads | score
101       some title      4       1          12      17
102       hello there     2       1          54      57
103       good day sir    0       4          76      80
104       good bye        2       1          23      26
105       whats up        2       3          87      92


  • Because you have one-to-many, I would use two CTEs to get your aggregate counts. You'll need to coalesce because some counts may be zero, and you cannot add a NULL with an integer.

    Schema (PostgreSQL v13)

    create table posts (
      post_id integer, 
      title varchar(20)
    insert into posts values 
    (101, 'some title'),
    (102, 'hello there'),
    (103, 'good day sir'),
    (104, 'good bye'),    
    (105, 'whats up');
    create table likes (
      like_id integer, 
      post_id integer
    insert into likes values 
    (1, 101),
    (2, 101),
    (3, 101),
    (4, 102),
    (5, 102),
    (6, 104),
    (7, 104),
    (8, 105),
    (9, 105),
    (10, 101);
    create table comments (
      comment_id integer, 
      post_id integer
    insert into comments values 
    (1, 103),
    (2, 103),
    (3, 103),
    (4, 101),
    (5, 102),
    (6, 104),
    (7, 105),
    (8, 105),
    (9, 105),
    (10, 103);
    create table post_read_count (
      post_id integer, 
      pcount integer
    insert into post_read_count values 
    (101, 12),
    (102, 54),
    (103, 76),
    (104, 23),      
    (105, 87);

    Query #1

    with cte_likes as (
      select post_id, count(*) as total_likes
      from likes
      group by post_id
      cte_comments as (
        select post_id, count(*) as total_comments
        from comments
        group by post_id
    select p.post_id, 
      coalesce(l.total_likes, 0) as likes, 
      coalesce(c.total_comments, 0) as comments, 
      coalesce(prc.pcount, 0) as reads, 
      coalesce(l.total_likes, 0) + coalesce(c.total_comments, 0) + coalesce(prc.pcount, 0) as score
    from posts p
    left join cte_likes l
      on p.post_id = l.post_id
    left join cte_comments c
      on p.post_id = c.post_id
    left join post_read_count prc
      on p.post_id = prc.post_id;
    post_id title likes comments reads score
    101 some title 4 1 12 17
    102 hello there 2 1 54 57
    103 good day sir 0 4 76 80
    104 good bye 2 1 23 26
    105 whats up 2 3 87 92

    View on DB Fiddle