I have the following problem:
Maximize: F1(I1) + F2(I2) + F3(I3)
Subject to:
I1 in [min1, max1] U 0
I2 in [min2, max2] U 0
I3 in [min3, max3] U 0
I1 + I2 + I3 <= Constant
Exclusive condition: When I1 > 0 I2 must be zero and vice-versa.
An arbitrary number of exclusive conditions may be provided.
F1(x) = {
0.15 x if x in [min1, min1 + 100]
0.1 x if x in [min1 + 101, min1 + 200]
0.05 x if x in [min1 + 201, max]
The ranges and quotients for x are arbitrary and provided as a
part of the optimization problem.
I'm struggling with the exclusive conditions and the logical function, I didn't find any solvers capable of handling such cases.
Is there a solver able to handle such optimization?
P. S. I have a strong impression this is out of MIP/MQP domain at all.
We have three concepts here:
I'll discuss all these below.
The first constraints:
x ∈ [L,U] ∪ {0}
are usually described as x being a semi-continuous variable. Many solvers have direct support for this. If not you can use a binary variable δ:
δ⋅L ≤ x ≤ δ⋅U
δ ∈ {0,1}
The second constraint
x*y = 0
is a non-convex quadratic constraint. This is sometimes called a complementarity constraint. Some solvers can handle this directly. We can also use indicator constraints or binary variables. E.g. we can do, using the same binary variables as before:
δ(i)⋅L(i) ≤ x(i) ≤ δ(i)⋅U(i) # all x(i) are semi-continuous
δ(1) + δ(2) ≤ 1 # x(1)*x(2) = 0
δ(i) ∈ {0,1}
(Assumed:L(i) > 0 or U(i) < 0).
The last thing, (F1(x)
), is just a piecewise linear function. This can be implemented in many ways. Some solvers have special facilities for this. Otherwise, the easiest is to use so-called SOS2 sets. These are supported by many solvers. See e.g.: https://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2019/02/piecewise-linear-functions-and.html. A good explanation can be found in: https://www.amazon.com/Model-Building-Mathematical-Programming-Williams/dp/1118443330.
Concluding: with a bit of effort, this can be written in a linear fashion. The precise implementation depends heavily on what modeling tools or solvers are being used. For more information see the documentation of these.