I am creating a function that takes some roles in an Enum, I want the parameters not to be repeated.
type Role = 'ADMIN' | 'GUEST'
function roleMiddleware(...roles: Role[]){
// some logic
roleMiddleware('ADMIN', 'ADMIN'); // I shouldn't be able to do that
Is this achievable ? and if so how should I type the parameters of that function to achieve such behavior?
Taking some inspiration from Is there a way to define type for array with unique items in typescript?, we can achieve the following:
type Invalid<T> = Error & { __errorMessage: T };
type Valid<Roles extends Role[]> = {
[K in keyof Roles]: unknown extends {
[P in keyof Roles]: K extends P ? never : Roles[P] extends Roles[K] ? unknown : never;
}[keyof Roles]
? Invalid<[Roles[K], "is repeated"]>
: Roles[K]
function roleMiddleware<Roles extends Role[]>(...roles: Valid<Roles>) { ... }
For a detailed in-depth explanation, see linked question above.