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Need more than 200 Cassandra tables per keyspace

Hi I am new to Cassandra and using DataStax Astra DB on AWS. Problem I am facing is for each table we have different where clauses for different columns hence the modelling was done based upon the queries, (meaning multiple tables with same data but different clustering columns for query support.). This approach was working great till we reached 200 tables per keyspace guardrail limitation. One solution was to use SAI indexes however there is a limitation that I cant create more than 100 index per keyspace per cluster. What is the solution ?


  • I agree with Aaron about 200 tables rarely being an issue but in addition to his answer, 200 is a soft limit that works in almost all cases.

    To the uninitiated, more than 200 tables seems excessive but it's hard to know without getting to know your use case a bit deeper.

    I'm reluctant to recommend you request for the limit to be increased without having intimate knowledge of your environment so I would suggest you reach out to them and request to be put in touch with one of the architects to discuss your requirements. Cheers!