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Kraken API - ColdFusion

Trying to tackle the Kraken API. Using ColdFusion 2016. I have a few tries in here, but can't seem to quite get it. So testing message, message2, message3 attempts.

HMAC-SHA512 of (URI path + SHA256(nonce + POST data)) and base64 decoded secret API key



<cfset _key = "APIKEY">
<cfset _s = "kQH5HW/8p1uGOVjbgWA7FunAmGO8lsSUXNsu3eow76sz84Q18fWxnyRzBHCd3pd5nE9qa99HAZtuZuj6F">
<cfset nonce = "1616492376594">
<cfset payload = "nonce=1616492376594&ordertype=limit&pair=XBTUSD&price=37500&type=buy&volume=1.25">
<cfset URIPath = "/0/private/AddOrder">


    apiKey = "#_key#";
    apiSecret = "#_s#";
    theKeyBytes = charsetDecode(#_s#, "UTF-8");
    _Secret64 = toBase64(#_s#);

    // get_kraken_signature(urlpath, data, secret):

    h = '#uripath#' & #payload#;
    _hash = hmac(h, theKeyBytes, "HMACSHA256");

    //HMAC-SHA512 of (URI path + SHA256(nonce + POST data)) and base64 decoded secret API key

    //SHA256(nonce + POST data))
    _256 = hmac(payload, "HMACSHA256");
    _sign = hmac(payload, theKeyBytes, "HMACSHA256");

    // HMAC-SHA512 of (URI path + SHA256(nonce + POST data))
    message = '#uripath#' & #_256#;
    message2 = '#uripath#' & #_256# & #_Secret64#;
    message3 = '#uripath#' & #_sign# & #_Secret64#;

    _512 = hmac(#message#, "HMACSHA512");
    _512_2 = hmac(#message2#, "HMACSHA512");
    _512_3 = hmac(#message3#, "HMACSHA512");

    _512_H = hmac(#_hash#, "HMACSHA512");
    S_H = hmac(#_512_h#, #_s#, "HmacSHA512");
    H64 = toBase64(binaryDecode(#s_h#, "hex"));

    // base64 decoded secret API key
    _64 = toBase64(#_512#);

    S_Hex = hmac(#_512#, #_s#, "HmacSHA512");
    Hex64 = toBase64(binaryDecode(#s_hex#, "hex"));

    S_Hex2 = hmac(#_512_2#, #_s#, "HmacSHA512");
    Hex642 = toBase64(binaryDecode(#s_hex2#, "hex"));

    S_Hex3 = hmac(#_512_3#, #_s#, "HmacSHA512");
    Hex643 = toBase64(binaryDecode(#s_hex3#, "hex"));




Hex64 Gets: w1PXl7IDLs1Pri1Vf++UcLFWIFedkxgpceFVkVFbxt7wvjj/Q0wtwwLSMJxV7bMOdFi+BEN3lHuX+CWRx2SxAQ==

Hex642 Gets: Zxd+96KuI3wSQJ/b0l79djB1M7FMsczoWOfs9Ha5YWIC6sc6uryEGn4MgkcHnF/ndsxDQ2y/jSHl0RxTIuc7PA==

Hex643 Gets: 5KCKhgRGexBPF7SgnSB5G0m3bu+2ecf4fAOndDG0pvYLh0PeWC1nWodi5szigcGU4TyLLb80jPNAR7OmK0t0Sw==


  • Taking this question as an exercise, I've managed to translate the python function from KrakenAPI docs to CFML script. That function should help you and others with a practical solution. Also publishing it here for my own documentation:

        public string function getKrakenSignature( urlpath, postdata, nonce, secretAsBase64) localmode=true {
            // assign arguments to local variables
            urlpath= arguments.urlpath;
            nonce= arguments.nonce;
            postdata = arguments.postdata;
            secretAsBase64= arguments.secretAsBase64;
            // convert urlpath to a binary Hex representation 
            urlpathBinary= toBinary( toBase64( urlpath ));
            urlpathBinaryAsHex= BinaryEncode( urlpathBinary, "HEX");
            // convert secret to binary
            secretBinary= ToBinary(  arguments.secretAsBase64 );
            // concatenate nonce and postdata
            noncePostdata = nonce & postdata; 
            //get binary digest as Hex representation
            noncePostdataDigestBinaryAsHex= hash( noncePostdata, "SHA-256" );
            // concatenate urlPath binary (hex) and oncePostdataDigest binary (hex) 
            messageBinaryAsHex= urlpathBinaryAsHex & noncePostdataDigestBinaryAsHex;
            // convert message hex representation to binary
            messageBinary= BinaryDecode( messageBinaryAsHex, "HEX");
            // sign the message with hmac function
            messageHmacDigestBinaryAsHex = hmac( messageBinary, secretBinary, "HMACSHA512");
            messageHmacDigestBinary=BinaryDecode( messageHmacDigestBinaryAsHex, "HEX");
            return binaryEncode( messageHmacDigestBinary, "base64" );
    api_sec = "kQH5HW/8p1uGOVjbgWA7FunAmGO8lsSUXNsu3eow76sz84Q18fWxnyRzBHCd3pd5nE9qa99HAZtuZuj6F1huXg==";
    signature = getKrakenSignature( urlpath, encodedPayLoad, nonce, api_sec);
    writeoutput( signature );

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