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Solr DataImportHandler: Can I get a dynamic field name from xml attribute with XPathEntityProcessor?

I have some XML to ingest into Solr, which sounds like a use case that is intended to be solved by the DataImportHandler. What I want to do is pull the column name from one XML attribute and the value from another attribute. Here is an example of what I mean:

  <data ref="">

From this xml snippet, I want to add a field with name and value bar. The DataImportHandler includes a XPathEntityProcessor for processing XML documents. I've tried using it and it works perfectly if I give it a known column name (e.g, <field column="ref" xpath="/document/data/@ref">) but have not been able to find any documentation or examples to suggest either how to do what I want, or that it cannot be done. So:

  • Can I do this using XPathEntityProcessor? If so, how?
  • If not, can I do this some other way with DataImportHandler?
  • Or am I left with writing my own import handler?


  • I haven't managed to find a way to do this without bringing in a transformer, but by using a simple ScriptTransformer I worked it out. It goes something like this:

    function makePair(row) {
      var theKey = row.get("theKey");
      var theValue = row.get("theValue");
      row.put(theKey, theValue);
      return row;
    <entity name="..." 
      <field column="theKey" xpath="/document/data/@ref" />
      <field column="theValue" xpath="/document/data/value" />

    Hope that helps someone!

    Note, if your dynamicField is multivalued, you have to iterate over theKey since row.get("theKey") will be a list.