I'm making birthday tracker for only a few people and was wondering how to combine all if statements into one since date and name are the only different things in every if statement, rest is same format.
date=`date +%b-%d`
echo $date
if [ $date == "Sep-09" ]; then
echo "Happy Birthday abc!"
if [ $date == "Oct-11" ]; then
echo "Happy Birthday xyz!"
I think I can use positional arguments ($1 for date, $2 for name..) but can't figure out how to use it for multiple dates and names. Or if there's any better way, that would be good to know as well.
Using case:
case "$date" in
"Sep-09") name=abc;;
"Oct-11") name=xyz;;
*) exit;; # if no condition met
echo "Happy Birthday $name!"