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half (not split!) violin plots in seaborn

Currently seaborn offers functionality for split violinplots by setting split=True, according to a hue variable. I would like to make a 'half' violin plot, i.e. a plot where half of each violin is omitted. Such a plot depicts something similar to a pdf for each continuous variable, plotted on one side of each vertical line of each categorical variable only.

I have managed to trick seaborn to plot this with an extra data point outside the plotted range of values and an extra dummy hue, but I would like to know if this can be done without actually altering the dataset, e.g. within sns.violinplot() arguments.

For instance, this graph:

enter image description here

Was created by this snippet:

# imports
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# load dataset from seaborn
datalist = sns.get_dataset_names()
dataset_name = 'iris'
if dataset_name in datalist:
    df = sns.load_dataset(dataset_name)
    print("Dataset with name: " + dataset_name + " was not found in the available datasets online by seaborn.")

# prepare data
df2 = df.append([-999,-999,-999,-999,'setosa'])
df2['huecol'] = 0.0
df2['huecol'].iloc[-1]= -999

# plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
            split=True, hue ='huecol', inner = 'quartile',
            palette="pastel", data=df2, legend=False)

# remove hue legend
leg = plt.gca().legend()


  • It's not necessary to modify the data:

    ax = sns.violinplot(
        x="day", y="total_bill", hue=True,
        hue_order=[True, False], split=True,
    ax.legend_ = None

    enter image description here