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How can I tell smarty to apply `htmlentities` to all output/display strings?

Warning: I am totaly new to smarty !

I have inherited a bunch of smarty templates that capture and display user input . So far ok.

However on displaying the data in the browser the smarty templates do not escape any html input made by a user instead it is rendered. If the user entered <script>alert('alert')</script> this will produce an alert box !

I set $escape_html in the Smarty.class.php had all templates compiled but no success.

I have been reading about modifiers {string|htmlentities} but still don't get it, where to apply this.

How can I tell smarty to apply htmlentities to all output/display strings ? Do I have to crawl into all the template files to achive this ?

Smarty 'version' => '4.2.0' I have deleted alle compiled templates befor trying anything new. Have set the public smarty class variable $escape_html=true, but it has no effect. I still get my alert boxes.



    RTFM !

    from the documentation

    Template designers can choose to selectively disable this feature by adding the nofilter flag: {$variable nofilter}.

    That is what the template designer did in several places...

    {$datenreport[r].fruhere_Beschwerden|nl2br nofilter}

    Because of nofilter set the section in class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Print_Expression

    $output = "htmlspecialchars((string) {$output}, ENT_QUOTES, addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . "')";

    Is skiped.

    All is fine