I am trying to save scraped results to a CSV file.
Each result returns as a dictionary. I want to add each result to a row of the CSV file. What is happening is I am only getting the last result of the iteration saved to the CSV. I'm not sure why this is happening any help to fix the issue would be appreciated.
class GoogleMapScraper:
def __init__(self):
self.PATH = "/Users/laurabrooks/code/LHB410/scraping/chromedriver"
self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(self.PATH)
self.business_info = {}
self.business_list = []
self.business_info["name"] = "NA"
self.business_info["rating"] = "NA"
self.business_info["reviews_count"] = "NA"
self.business_info["address_en"] = "NA"
self.business_info["contact"] = "NA"
self.business_info["website"] = "NA"
# the actual scraping part of each place site
def get_business_info(self, url):
# Parse data out of the page
self.business_info["name"] = self.driver.find_element(
By.CLASS_NAME, "DUwDvf").text
self.business_info["rating"] = self.driver.find_element(
By.CLASS_NAME, "mmu3tf").text
self.business_info["reviews_count"] = self.driver.find_element(
By.CLASS_NAME, "DkEaL").text
self.business_info["address_en"] = self.driver.find_elements(
By.CLASS_NAME, "Io6YTe")[0].text
self.business_info["website"] = self.driver.find_elements(
By.CLASS_NAME, "Io6YTe")[2].text
self.business_info["contact"] = self.driver.find_elements(
By.CLASS_NAME, "Io6YTe")[3].text
#add business info to business list
# self.business_list.append(self.business_info)
links = results['link']
BusinessScraper = GoogleMapScraper()
for url in links:
row = [BusinessScraper.business_info]
fieldnames = ["name", "rating", "reviews_count", "address_en", "website", "contact"]
with open('scrape_results.csv', 'w', encoding='UTF8', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
This is the csv file result after scraping
Time Out,"4.0
81 reviews",81 reviews,"〒150-0011 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Higashi, 3 Chome−16−6 リキッドルーム 2F",Floor 2 · LIQUIDROOM,timeoutcafe.jp
Open file in append mode. Maybe somehting like this:
your code
# Open our existing CSV file in append mode
# Create a file object for this file
with open('event.csv', 'a') as f_object:
# Pass this file object to csv.writer()
# and get a writer object
writer_object = writer(f_object)
your code