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Generating client stubs from WSDL

I am starting on a new project with commercial vendor. I need to write an integration module in our application to consume commercial vendor's web service. So, WSDL is not controlled by us.

I think the general approach is to do a "Contract First" development and generate stubs from the WSDL file. I would like to know what technologies are available to do this? I would really like the simplest approach that works. We use Maven 3.0.3 and Spring 3.0.5 extensively. Can I use Spring WebServiceTemplate?

Please let me know if the question isn't clear or additional details are needed.

Thanks, Tapasvi


  • You can generate the java stubs with the maven plugin for JAX-WS. Then you can use the stubs in spring to expose them as a webservice. Luckily, it's quite simple :).

    Just a suggestion, don't re-generate the stubs every time you build the project, as (obviously) you won't be able to add any code to the stubs, which is sometimes very useful. I made this mistake long time ago and it was quite painful, because I had to put code in places where it didn't belong. In the last few years I used a maven profile to generate the stubs on demand and then I merged them "manually" to add the extra code. Of course, this is only viable if the WSDL doesn't change very often.