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How to list "labels" and "in use by" along with instances in a project?

I am currently using the following piece of code to get instance list from a project (which seems to work ok):

gcloud compute instances list

However, looking at the response body for instances.list, I found labels but couldnt find where "In Use By" values are listed. I've tried the following, but it didn't work.

gcloud compute instances list \

If it helps, I am looking for the values in red to be listed along with my instances.list output:


  • You can use the below commands to get the details using gcloud compute instances list --topic format:

    gcloud compute instances list --format='csv(name,description,machineType,status,zone,labels,inUseBy,instanceTemplate.list())'


    gcloud compute instances list --format='table(name,description,machineType,status,zone,labels,inUseBy,instanceTemplate.list())'

    Sample Output: enter image description here