I usually have multiple feature branches and share those features with our users for their testing. Then, when satisfied we merge to develop branch. Usually, we do somthing like 0.1.1a0+date
or 0.1.1a0+jiraTaskNumber
or 0.1.1a0+gitBranchName
I would like to automate this and I am not able to see how to achieve this in poetry because it supports only poetry version prepatch|major|so_on
Can someone help me with how I can achieve this?
poetry version
also takes any valid version number to set the version directly. So you can do:
poetry version 0.1.1a0+gitBranchName
If you want to combine bumping to the next minor, major etc. and a label you can do it like this, from Poetry 1.2 on:
poetry version "$(poetry version major --dry-run -s)+local"