I can successfully extract every column using Python, except the one I need most (order_id) from an API generated json that lists field reps interactions with clients.
Not all interactions result in orders; there are multiple types of interactions. I know I will need to add the flag to show 'None' and then in my for loop and an if-statement to check whether the order_id is null or not. If not 'None/null', add it to the list.
I just cannot figure it out so would appreciate every bit of help!
This is the code that works:
import requests
import json
r = requests.get(baseurl + endpoint + '?page_number=1' + '&page_size=2', headers=headers)
output = r.json()
interactions_list = []
for item in output['data']:
columns = {
'id': item['id'],
'number': item['user_id'],
'name': item['user_name'],
This returns an error-free result:
[{'id': 1, 'number': 6, 'name': 'Johnny'}, {'id': 2, 'number': 7, 'name': 'David'}]
When I include the order_id in the loop:
interactions_list = []
for item in output['data']:
columns = {
'id': item['id'],
'number': item['user_id'],
'name': item['user_name'],
'order': item['order_id'],
It returns:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_17856/1993147086.py in <module>
6 'number': item['user_id'],
7 'name': item['user_name'],
----> 8 'order': item['order_id'],
9 }
KeyError: 'order_id'
Use the get method of the dictionary:
columns = {
'id': item.get('id'),
'number': item.get('user_id'),
'name': item.get('user_name'),
'order': item.get('order_id'),
This will set your missing values to None. If you want to choose what the None value is, pass a second argument to get e.g. item.get('user_name', 'N/A')
EDIT: To conditionally add items based on the presence of the order_id
interactions_list = []
for item in output['data']:
if 'order_id' in item:
columns = {
'id': item.get('id'),
'number': item.get('user_id'),
'name': item.get('user_name', 'N/A'),
'order': item.get('order_id'),