I am attempting to write a function which will async create Indexes for each of my collections dynamically. The struggle I am having is accessing the class instance of each of my collections, and then calling the object to create the index.
I have tried:
NOTE: I am unable to use eval() for security reasons
Example of how my class instance looks:
import ast
from models.database_models import IndexedKeyModels
class Mongo: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self):
self.connection = self.get_set_connection() # Function to create MongoDB connection
self.db = self.connection.pal_db
self.test1 = self.db.test1
self.test2 = self.db.test2
async def set_indexes(self) -> None:
test_string: str = ""
if self.dev == "True":
test_string += "test_"
for name in IndexedKeyModels():
await ast.literal_eval(
f"self.{test_string}{name[0]}.create_index([('{name[1]}', {ASCENDING})], background=True)"
The IndexedKeyModels looks like this:
class IndexedKeyModels(BaseModel):
MongoDB Indexed Key names
test1: str = "Index1"
test2: str = "Index2"
I would like to be able to dynamically create each Index for each collection without having to define each create_index for each collection we have.
If you want to create an index on a specific collection and field, you can do this programatically with this construct:
collectionname = 'coll1'
fieldname = 'field1'
db[collectionname].create_index([(fieldname , pymongo.ASCENDING)])