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How to set default value if I dont get key/value in groovy

I have a requirement where I am reading a JSON array and mapping the value:


    "Name": "1",
    "Partner": "11"
    "Name": "2"
    "Name": "3",
    "Partner": "33"

as we can see there is no "Partner" key in second object , then now I need to set default as below:

    "Name": "1",
    "Partner": "11"
    "Name": "2",
    "Partner": 0
    "Name": "3",
    "Partner": "33"


  • You could do something like this:

    String jsonInputString = """
        [{"Name": "1", "Partner": "11" },
         {"Name": "2"},
         {"Name": "3", "Partner": "33" } ]
    // parse the JSON into a List of Map
    def maps = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonInputString)
    def resultingMaps = maps.collect { map ->
        if(!map.containsKey('Partner')) {
            // the numbers in the initial map are Strings but
            // the question shows this one as a number, so here
            // it is a number, could just as well be a String with
            // the 0 in it...
            map.Partner = 0
    // resultingMaps will be [[Name:1, Partner:11], [Name:2, Partner:0], [Name:3, Partner:33]]


    I am new to groovy, not sure how to proceed, Tried few stuff using "Withdefault" , however no success

    withDefault may not be exactly what you want because it won't put the 0 in the Map unless that key is requested. You can see that by running this...

    def resultingMaps = maps.collect { map ->
        map.withDefault { key ->
            if(key == 'Partner') {
                return 0
    // this will makes sure every Map has a "Partner" entry...
    // resultingMaps will be [[Name:1, Partner:11], [Name:2, Partner:0], [Name:3, Partner:33]]