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Wait until every process finishes

I am working on a Javascript simulator that runs in a web browser. It has a main loop:

do {
} while (!reachedGoal(simulator));

And for every iteration, I need to run several workers that must be concurrently executed:

doStep = function() {
    for (every agent in the simulation) {
        var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
        worker.onmessage = function(event) {

    // Here is the problem

My question is: how could I wait for every worker to finish?


  • A suggestion:

    doStep = function () {
        var i, worker;
        updateVisualization( simulator );    
        simulator.workers = []; // array of workers for this step
        for ( i = 0; i < agents.length; i++ ) {
            // set up new worker
            worker = new Worker( 'worker.js' );
            worker.onmessage = function ( e ) {
                var i;
                if ( === 'finished' ) {
                    this.finished = true;
                    for ( i = 0; i < simulator.workers.length; i++ ) {
                        if ( !simulator.workers[i].finished ) {
                    // survived for-loop = all workers finished
                    if ( !reachedGoal( simulator ) ) { // another iteration?
            worker.postMessage( 'doStep' );
            simulator.workers.push( worker ); // push worker into workers array

    So all the action happens in the onmessage callback of the workers. Every time a worker responds with a message, you inspect the simulator.workers array by checking if all workers have a finished property set to true. If that is the case, this means that all workers finished and you can move on (the "survived for-loop" part).

    So basically, you instantiate all workers and then just wait for their responses... no loop required.