Sorry for the dumb question!
In my code below I get all the members of a M365 group and they display in the console.log.
However I don't know how to iterate through the JSON that is returned.
Thanks P
const theADUsers: any = await client.api(`/groups/${GUID}/members/microsoft.graph.user`)
.header('ConsistencyLevel', 'eventual')
"@odata.context": "$metadata#users(displayName,id,mail,surname)",
"value": [
"displayName": "Doe, John",
"id": "GUID",
"mail": "",
"surname": "Doe"
"displayName": "Doe, John",
"id": "GUID",
"mail": "",
"surname": "Doe"
"displayName": "Doe, John",
"id": "GUID",
"mail": "",
"surname": "Doe"
You can do something like:
theADUsers.value.forEach(user => console.log(user));
The result should be already parsed and you do not need JSON parsing. For reference look here: