Is possible to transform Class/Interface properties into certain types? My goal is to transform all primitive properties into boolean and array-like properties into element-like types where also properties are transformed like in the parent object.
interface Skill {
name: string;
level: 'beginner' | 'intermediate' | 'advanced';
interface User {
id: number;
email: string;
skills: Skill[];
* TO
interface QueriedSkill {
name: boolean;
level: boolean;
interface QueriedUser {
id: boolean;
email: boolean;
skills: QueriedSkill;
The goal is to create such an interface dynamically:
type QueriedUser = TransformToQueried<User>
Want to use this for my graphql server for optimized data resolution
That's gonna look something like this:
type Queried<T> = T extends object ? {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends ReadonlyArray<unknown> ? Queried<T[K][number]> : T[K] extends object ? Queried<T> : boolean;
} : boolean;
It's a recursive type that turns all non-objects into type boolean
. In the case of arrays, it unwraps it into its elements and operates on that instead.
I don't think it needs to work with tuples but if it does, you can comment on here for an edit.