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Git actions - simple if statement condition

Hi Please note that the if condition gets executed in the below case even though the variable "highPriority" is zero.

- name: Polaris Result
        id: polaris_result
        run: |
          highPriority=$(cat sample.json | jq '.issueSummary.high')
          echo "$highPriority"
          echo "::set-output name=highPriority::$highPriority"
      - name: fail If crosses threshold for high priority issues
        if: ${{ steps.polaris_result.outputs.highPriority }} > 0
        run: exit 1

note that echo "$highPriority" outputs "0". However the if condition gets executed in this case which should not be


  • You should surround all the expression with the { } bracet. please try:

        if: ${{ steps.polaris_result.outputs.highPriority  > 0 }}

    instead of:

        if: ${{ steps.polaris_result.outputs.highPriority }} > 0

    See expression section in the doc for some context