I want to run a specific docker-compose file without entering the sudo password and without assigning that user who runs the command to the docker group for security reasons.
I thought about using the NOPASSWD
inside sudoers file and run a bash script called "bash-dockercompose-up.sh" that simply runs docker-compose up -d
However, it needs the sudo command before the docker-compose up -d
to connect to docker host.
This is my /etc/sudoers
exampleuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/bash-dockercompose-up.sh
Ok I was able to run it by using the python official sdk library.
I created a python script called "service-up.py"
import docker
client = docker.from_env()
container = client.containers.get('id or name here')
Then compile it into a binary file in order to change it's uid permissions so a non root user can run it:
pyinstaller service-up.py
move into the dist folder where file is located and run:
chown root:root service-up
chmod 4755 service-up