I'll make an example with a Pokémon table type that corresponds exactly to my data structure.
On the 18 types present line 1 (representing the attacker single type), I have to convert the duos of types ( representing the attacked ) So I have to get rid of the attacker line and transform it into a column.
This will transform :
Normal none 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1....
(total of 18duos of types squared I have 324 rows + 1 row of attackers)
Into :
Normal none Normal 1
Normal none Fire 1
Normal none Water 1
Normal none Electric 1
Normal none Grass 1
Normal none Ice 1
Normal none Fighting 2
(Here we do trios of types, a total of 18 cubed : 5832 lines )
Here is an overview of the starting point.
Thanks a lot to those who want to look into this :)!
=INDEX(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A&"×"&B2:B&"×"&C1:T1&"×"&C2:T), "×"),
"where Col4 is not null", ))