I have this dataframe:
0 22.000000
1 25.000000
2 22.000000
3 18.000000
4 23.000000
and want to 'forecast' the next value as a simple numeric to pass it on easily to another code. I thought numpy.polyfit could do that, but not sure how. I am just after something simple.
If numpy.polyfit can do a curve fit, the curve can continue to the next x value. This would give a forecast like in excel. That's good for me.
Unfortunately, numpy.org doesn't say how forecasting is possible, hence asking here :)
Forecasting can be done by using np.poly1d(z)
as described in the documentation.
n = 10 # number of values you would like to forecast
deg = 1 # degree of polynomial
df = pd.DataFrame([22, 25, 22, 18, 23], columns=['Sales'])
z = np.polyfit(df.index, df.Sales, deg)
p = np.poly1d(z)
for row in range(len(df), len(df) + n):
df.loc[row, 'Sales'] = p(row)
You can change n
and deg
as you like. But remember, you only have 5 observations so deg
must be 4 or lower.