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How to upload jar file to anypoint exchange

Recently I am trying to build pipeline for deploying mule 4 apps in to RTF. I have gone through the documentation and found difficult to frame the url that is used for uploading jar to anypoint exchange. here is the request

curl -L -X PUT '<group id>/maven/<group id>/<app-name>/1.0.0/<app-name>-1.0.0-mule-application.jar' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <bearer token>' \
-H 'X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID: <environment ID>' \
-H 'X-ANYPNT-ORG-ID: <org ID>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/java-archive' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
--data-binary '@<full path to file>' 

in the url '<group id>/maven/<group id>/<app-name>/1.0.0/<app-name>-1.0.0-mule-application.jar' I am unable to figure out "" which is repeated two times I thought of using the group id which is used in my pom.xml which looks like this


so I tried framing like these ways

and and

in the above url for occurence first group id. I used my orginaztion name in anypoint platform

both are giving the error . I am trying to figure out how to frame this url. can you help me on that

{"name":"Not Found","status":404,"message":"File not found",
{"message":"Asset File was not found",
"PUT /organizations/worldbankgroup/groups/org.worldbankgroup/assets/test-project/versions/5.0.0/classifiers/dev393-mule-application/packagings/jar does not exist in the RAML for this application"

I tried even like this by using organization id in the url

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 7434a69e-bca393c' \
--header 'X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID: e20588cc71c3d' \
--header 'X-ANYPNT-ORG-ID: 321d454b005ac3e' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/java-archive' \
--header 'Connection: keep-alive' \
--data-binary '@/C:/Users/wb587070/AnypointStudio/s7-12-workspace/test-project/target/test-project-5.0.0-dev393-mule-application.jar' 

it throwing a different error now

    "name": "Precondition Failed",
    "status": 412,
    "message": "The runId parameter is missing, the preconditions have not been executed.",
    "details": []

can you help me in figure out the correct url


  • curl --location --request PUT '<org-id>/maven/<org-id>/<appname>/<version>/app-name-1.0.0-mule-application.jar' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <acsess token>' \
    --header 'X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID: <env-id>' \
    --header 'X-ANYPNT-ORG-ID: <org-id>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/java-archive' \
    --header 'Connection: keep-alive' \
    --data-binary '@<full path to file>'

    Remember for the user that you are generating acsess token. They should have proper accesess in anypoint platform. to upload jar to exchange