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Satisfy() in Fluent Assertions does not work with collections of class objects

I have a class:

public class TestClass
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int CampusId { get; set; }
    public int CurrentStudentCount { get; set; }
    public int MaxStudentCount { get; set; }

and a collection of objects of this class:

var collection = new[]
        new TestClass
            Id = 55,
            CampusId = 38,
            CurrentStudentCount = 1,
            MaxStudentCount = 2
        new TestClass
            Id = 127,
            CampusId = 38,
            CurrentStudentCount = 2,
            MaxStudentCount = 2
        new TestClass
            Id = 126,
            CampusId = 38,
            CurrentStudentCount = 2,
            MaxStudentCount = 2

I'd like to assert that each object's CampusId equals 38:

collection.Should().Satisfy(i => i.CampusId == 38);

But the assertion fails with the following message:

Expected collection to satisfy all predicates, but the following elements did not match any predicate:

Index: 1, Element: TestClass

    CampusId = 38, 
    CurrentStudentCount = 2, 
    Id = 127, 
    MaxStudentCount = 2

Index: 2, Element: TestClass

    CampusId = 38, 
    CurrentStudentCount = 2, 
    Id = 126, 
    MaxStudentCount = 2


  • Use AllSatisfy(), which was added in v. 6.5.0 as per

    In your case, it would be:

        i => i.CampusId.Should().Be(38)