I have a basic WinUI3 C++/WinRT app, containing a resw file with a simple entry named "APPNAME". I wish to put that string in the title of my Xaml form.
My MainWindow.xaml.cpp has this snippet of code in it.
auto resourceLoader{ Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceLoader::GetForViewIndependentUse()};
hstring title = resourceLoader.GetString(L"APPNAME");
The issue seems to be that "Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources" isn't correct. So the question becomes how to access that resw string entry in C++/WinRT?
Many thanks,
With WinUI 3, most namespaces usually start with Microsoft
, instead of Windows
(which was more for UWP).
It's actually difficult to get to the WinUI3-only documentation, here is some: Manage resources with MRT Core
The WinUI 3 resource entry point is now the Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceManager class.
So, for a "MyString" string resource in a "Resources.resw" file
You can now do this:
Microsoft::Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceManager rm{};
auto str = rm.MainResourceMap().GetValue(L"Resources/MyString").ValueAsString();
Note that you need to #include <winrt/Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.h
> after Xaml includes to compile.