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How to find a name=id pair in an sql string and replace it with another value and update it?

I have a lot of records in a table News.

Each record has NewsRoleId, NewsTitle and a URL.

The URL is like;NewsId=56122;OrderId=1;pt=5

Each NewsTitle would return you exactly 2 records; not more not less but different NewsRoleID; for example:

    ID         NewsTitle       NewsRoleId       URL
    1             Test            124 ;newsId=44;OrderId=1;pt=5
   `2             Test            138`;newsId=32;OrderId=1;pt=5

Now, the goal is to UPDATE the newsId in URL by ID of one record with another i.e. Id of the record with NewsRoleID= 124 should be updated in the newsId of URL of record with NewsRoleId= 138 and vice versa.

Desired Output:

D         NewsTitle       NewsRoleId       URL
1           Test              124;newsId=2;OrderId=1;pt=5

2           Test              138;newsId=1;OrderId=1;pt=5

I have written an update query.

Update News
SET URL= REPLACE(Url, 'newsID=123433', 'newsId='+CAST(Select Id from News where NewsTitle= 'test' and NewsRoleID= 124) as varchar)
where NewsRoleID = 138 and NewsTitle = 'test'

But Problem with this is that I cannot exactly find the pair ‘NewsId=the Id which is random’


  • Does this work for you?:

    declare @news table 
            ID int,
            NewsTitle nvarchar(100),
            NewsRoleId int,
            [URL] nvarchar(255)
    (1, 'Test', 124, ';newsId=44;OrderId=1;pt=5'),
    (2, 'Test', 138, ';newsId=32;OrderId=1;pt=5');
    (SELECT ID, CHARINDEX('newsId=', [URL], 1) AS nPos FROM @news),
    CTE2 AS
    (SELECT n.ID, CHARINDEX(';', [URL], c.nPos) AS scPos FROM @news 
    n INNER JOIN CTE c ON n.ID = c.ID )
    UPDATE n
    SET URL = SUBSTRING(n.[URL], 1, c1.NPos -1) 
    + 'newsId=' + cast(nOther.Id as nvarchar)
    + SUBSTRING(n.[URL], c2.scPos, 300)
    FROM CTE c1 
    INNER JOIN CTE2 c2 ON c1.ID = c2.ID
    INNER JOIN @news n ON c1.ID = n.ID
    INNER JOIN @news nOther ON n.NewsTitle = nOther.NewsTitle 
        AND n.NewsRoleId <> nOther.NewsRoleId;
    SELECT * FROM @news;


    By way of explanation, I use two CTEs to identify the position where "newsid=" occurs and the first semi-colon following this. The trick is then to build the new string using a self-join on the news table, with the same NewsTitle but differing NewsRoleIDs. This allows us to put the "Other" ID into the new URL.